
Department of Arabic Language & Literature

University of Haifa

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Lecturer Details

Prof. Ofer Livne-Kafri
Floor : 15 Room: 1519 - Eshkol Tower
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Tel: 04-8249788
Internal No.: 3788

Research fields

Research fields:

Jerusalem in early Islam, early Muslim asceticism, Muslim apocalyptic, Jewish Arabic, language contact between Arabic and Coptic, editing ancient manuscripts in Arabic.
Curriculum Vitae

I am a professor emeritus in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Haifa. In 1985 I submitted my Ph.D. Dissertation: “The Sanctity of Jerusalem in Islam,” under the supervision of Prof. M.J. Kister (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem). My Postdoctoral programs were in Washington D.C. (1986-1989; The Catholic University of America; Dumbarton Oaks Institute). My main areas of research are: Jerusalem in early Islam, Early Muslim asceticism, Muslim apocalypticism, Judaeo-Arabic, language contact between Arabic and Coptic, editing ancient manuscripts in Arabic.
My courses were: Jerusalem in Early Islam, Muslim Apocalyptic, Early Muslim Asceticism, Reading Old Arabic Manuscripts.

The following is a selected list of my most recent publications:
1. Ofer Livne-Kafri. “The Book of Habakkuk by the Karaite Yapheth b. ʿAli.” Sphunot. Vol. 21 (1993):73-105 (Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew).
2. Ofer Livne-Kafri. “Early Muslim Ascetics and the World of Christian Monasticism.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam. Vol. 20 (1996): 105-129.
3. Ofer Livne-Kafri. “Some Notes on the Muslim Apocalyptic Tradition.” Quaderni di Studi Arabi. Vol. 17 (1999): 71-94.
4. Ofer Livne-Kafri. “Burial in the Holy Land and Jerusalem according to Muslim Tradition.” Liber Annuus. Vol. 53 (2003): 417-425.
5. Ofer Livne-Kafri. “Jerusalem: The Navel of the Earth in Muslim Tradition.” Der Islam. Vol. 84, no. 1 (2008): 46-72.
6. Ofer Livne-Kafri. “A Note on the Energicus in a Coptic-Arabic Translation of the Pentateuch.” Acta Orientalia Hung. Vol. 62, no. 4 (2009): 405-411.